Sunday, October 21, 2007

the barmaids graph

The barmaids life (use to be)

So yeah broke my right hand, when I fell down.......PLZ don't ask it hurts like hell.

Here is yet another kinda force smoking situation that WAS, just plain out of this world.

Just imagine that poor person (usuly a barmaid girl) getting bombarded for6-8 hours in a row no break just plain STFU its your job.....she is inhaling second hand smoke, no other ppl can dream of that kinda of exposure, imagine it then X1000000 that's what it is IRL (or use to be)

I am talking about those barmaid!!!!

I know I use to be one for GOOD 6MONTH

here is a VERY simple graph i made of how EVIL it was


Friday, October 12, 2007

back from vacation

yeah, sorry for the delay in the update.

So anyway my topic today will be Smoking in cars. Seriously what other place on earth, can be smokyer then the famely car, lets say you put a mom and her baby (often the mom brings a friend too) Mommy prepare the baby for a car ride, takes the baby put him in baby's chair, make sure she buckle him tight, then rolls-up the windows (air tight, cause its rainning out-sideor too cold) then you know what she does?????

she lights-up a cigarette.....

That my friends is call forcing someone to smoke not just passive smoking!!!


Thursday, October 4, 2007

How would I feel if......

Yeah how would i feel if cancer would ever struck cancer boy?

The answer is, even if he is my boy-friend, and the dad of my little girl, it would affect me for sure, but I don't really care anymore, did lots of thinking on that subject before deciding to have a kid with him, and the conclusion where......EVIL...... LOL but joking apart, you might get hit by a car or a bomb, or choke on your hot-dog, what ever it is, if your due date is up, then your gone, so yeah we are abusing the lungs and health, he might get emphysema before cancer......which ever comes first, we will deal with it:) in the mean time Sun-shine and Sophie are having a blast, and yes, legal papers where sing, to make sure he or is family CANT come back on us, on murder charge and what not.



Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Real force smoker????????

Yeah IMO, the real force smokers are females, hummmmmmmm OK here is why.
Girls that are pregnant and smoking, can you imagine having someone in your belly that feeds on what ever you give it, yeah the smoke don't reach the baby but the nicotine does, and all that neat stuff, and once they give birth the first thing they feed them is mothers milk (nicotine flavor) plus there probably smoking while breast feeding at home in the car. So yeah Tobacco company's did realize this while they where pumping-up the ~You came a long way~ Targeting the hand that rocks the cradle!

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